来源:bwin必赢国际 发布时间:2020-04-28
[1] 异氟烷处理激活STIM1介导的SOCE通路诱发心肌CASQ1缺失小鼠心律失常的机制研究,82204391,2023.1至2025.12,30万元, 在研, 主持
[2] SOCE参与糖尿病心肌病发生发展机制研究,潍坊医学院博士科研启动资金-科研计划项目,021944,2019.10至2025.09,10万元,在研,主持
[1] Zhipeng Sun Z ; Luqi Wang; Lu Han; Yue Wang; Yuan Zhou; Qiang Li; Yongquan Wu; Talabieke Sha letanati; Yunlong Hou; Lulin Wu; Ronghua Liu; Zhiping Fu; Hongjie You; Baiyan Li; Yuanyuan Zheng; Dali Luo ; Functional calsequestrin-1 is expressed in the heart and its deficiency is causally re lated to malignant hyperthermia-Like arrhythmia, Circulation, 2021, 144(10): 788-804.
[2] Yutong Yang; Xinxin Yan; Jingyi Xue; Yuanyuan Zheng; Min Chen; Zhipeng Sun Z ; Tiantian Liu; Cong Wang; Hongjie You; Dali Luo ; Connexin43 dephosphorylation at serine 282 is associated with connexin43-mediated cardiomyocyte apoptosis, Cell Death Differentiation, 2019, 26(7): 1332-1345.
[3] Zhipeng Sun Z; Yutong Yang; Lulin Wu; Shaletanati talabieke; Hongjie You; Yuanyuan Zheng; Dali Luo; Connexin 43-serine 282 modulates serine 279 phosphorylation in cardiomyocytes, Biochemi cal and Biophysical Research Communications, 2019, 513(3): 567-572.
[4] Shu Li; Jingyi Xue; Zhipeng Sun Z ; Tiantian Liu; Lane Zhang; Limin Wang; Hongjie You; Zheng Fan; Yuanyuan Zheng; Dali Luo ; CaMKII potentiates store-operated Ca2+ entry through enhancing stim1 aggregation and interaction with orai1, Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry, 2018, 46(3): 1042-1054.